Straddling the Fence



When you hear straddling the fence? What do you think of? Indecisiveness, not fully believing in God, the difference between good and evil……Well for me that is the space that is surrounding me. I am not straddling the fence but others around me are. It is a tough place to be in when you have little support or belief in your dreams. I have people who ride with me through thick and thin until I decided to quit my career. Yes, I understand that I should have continued to teach until I found what I wanted to do next. I should have waited until I completed class, got the certification and began volunteering. Yeah some of it I wish had happened sooner but it didn’t so I keep it pushing being glad that it happened.

I am used to people who believe you are supposed to have a job or career at the same place until retirement. Even if you get fired or laid off you find another position in that same career. It is hard to grasp the concept of trying something totally different than what you are conditioned to doing or seeing. I never wanted to be a teacher for more than 10 years and that was pushing it. I lasted 8 years longer than I wanted. 

I have watch all of these new unheard of, unorthodox career span out of this new generation. I’m not saying this never happened before but people building career and exploring unheard of possibilities. Like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, twitter, YouTube and so on. Someone or a small group came up with this innovation that we use every day. We see people who build all kinds of careers from making videos on YouTube. I don’t want anything like that I just want to put on events, major events with an audio visual team, staging, backdrops, table settings, chair covers, oh and a set budget. I have a vision of the type of event I want to conduct. I want the training on how to make sure it is on point logistically as well as aesthetically. I want the months of preparation to pull off the client’s vision. I am a Pisces so I am a natural dreamer. As a child, I used to day dream about different events in my life such as a surprise party, honors award ceremony, wedding proposal (not too much of a wedding unless it’s on a beach) 😉 that morphed into working backstage on the VS show, Black Girls Rock, car shows such as the Auto shows, educational programs like Steve Harvey mentoring, and corporate holiday parties, product launches and things of that nature.

With saying all of that I feel like I am living in a world where I am misunderstood for my dream and passion to become an event planner. I am not one who can be put in a box. I am a free spirit and creative person without the normal creative gene as painting, singing, dancing and things of that nature. I may be broke financially but this freedom feels better that suffocating in the classroom. I don’t regret quitting because I consulted with God and just waiting on His next move in my life. As I have discussed with Him before, I picked teaching and was left miserable and exhausted, so my next career will be His choosing in His timing. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Straddling the Fence

  1. Janelle

    Girl don’t give up. I love event planning. But I don’t have the courage like you to step out on faith…. 🙂 I think you can do it. Come up with an event you would like to attend and go from there. My sister and her friend is planning a beauty expo. Neither of them have experience or even attended an expo but in 60 days there will be one in our area. Maybe a local church has a event you can take it to the next level and charge a fee. Think outside the box… you can do it!!!

  2. Girl don’t give up. I love event planning. But I don’t have the courage like you to step out on faith….:-) I think you can do it. Come up with an event you would like to attend and go from there. My sister and her friend is planning a beauty expo. Neither of them have experience or even attended an expo but in 60 days there will be one in our area. Maybe a local church has a event you can take it to the next level and charge a fee. Think outside the box… you can do it!!!

  3. Daren Edwards

    Do not let the they that should be on your team get you fluttered. This is your hearts passion there is no price that can be put on it. Trust GOD and go all the way with it.

  4. Lamar johnson

    DO NOT GIVE UP I REPEAT DO NOT GIVE UP… I feel you whole heartedly, I myself feel the same way I went back to school earned a degree got a decent job only to find myself feeling suffocated at times. I never had this feeling before when I moved to the beat of my own drum. I did all of it for my kids I felt I needed to set a demonstration, but you on the other hand do not have kids so I say too you let the sky have no boundaries and keep going until you reach your goal!!!

  5. Lamar johnson

    P.s when I was doing what I wanted to do, I was happy, I started doing what the world says I should do very very unhappy😔😔

    DO YOU!!! And be the best at it!!! And by all means be happy because no one can make you happy you have to do that yourself…

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